...un programa de "microcréditos" patrocinado por Youssou N'dour
He assumed the throne of Cajor
And became well-known for his festive reign
Where every occasion was reason for
Celebration in great style
Having inherited a rich oral tradition
He encouraged local musicians
And his patronage gave rise to the flourishing of
The music known as mbaboor
Ah! Birima!
A day spent in your presence
Was the picture of hospitality!
This music was transmitted by the griots
Who painted vivid portraits of the kingdom
Mbaboor became inextricably linked
To the history of Cajor
Most importantly, it forged a new and enduring link
Between royalty and the common people
Where relations had been different before
As the classes lived and struggled and
Celebrated together
Common experience allowed them to identify
With one another
Ah! Birima!
A day spent in your presence
Was the picture of hospitality!

Lo dijo Mallory cuando se le preguntó por su insistencia en ascender el Everest. La creo válida para cada uno de los proyectos y aspiraciones singulares, grupales...conocidas ó aún por descubrir, que son posibles por el empeño en llevarlas a cabo,...y también para aquellas personas, que se vuelven coherentes ante nuestros ojos,...normalmente pasado un tiempo . Las que aquí mostraré en forma de imágenes, son parte de mi historia personal .También añadiré algunos gustos y aficiones .
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oso polita, koloretsua eta alaia Birimaren bideoa
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