Bizardunak , gu garenak gara , ..... !!!!
I've been a wild rover for many's a year,
And I've spent all my money on whiskey and beer
And now I'm returning with gold in great store,
And I never will play the wild rover no more
And it's no, nay, never!
No nay never no more
And I'll play the wild rover,
No never no more
I went to an alehouse I used to frequent,
And I told the landlady my money was spent
I asked her for credit, she answered me, "Nay",
Saying, "Custom like yours I can have any day"
And it's no, nay, never!
No nay never no more
And I'll play the wild rover,
No never no more
I took from my pocket ten sovereigns bright,
And the landlady's eyes opened wide with delight
She said, "I have whiskeys and wines of the best,
And the words that I told you were only in jest"
And it's no, nay, never!
No nay never no more
And I'll play the wild rover,
No never no more
I'll go home to my parents, confess what I've done,
And I'll ask them to pardon their prodigal son
And when they have kissed me as oft-times before,
I never will play the wild rover no more
And it's no, nay, never!
No nay never no more
And I'll play the wild rover,
No never no more

Lo dijo Mallory cuando se le preguntó por su insistencia en ascender el Everest. La creo válida para cada uno de los proyectos y aspiraciones singulares, grupales...conocidas ó aún por descubrir, que son posibles por el empeño en llevarlas a cabo,...y también para aquellas personas, que se vuelven coherentes ante nuestros ojos,...normalmente pasado un tiempo . Las que aquí mostraré en forma de imágenes, son parte de mi historia personal .También añadiré algunos gustos y aficiones .
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2 comentarios:
Ze aukera ona egin duten "Bizardunak" Wild Roverren musika hartuta!!!. Ba dakigu beraiena folka dela, baina Wild Roverren letra ikusita,pentsatsen dut beraien irudiarentzako aproposa dela. Barkamena bizardun guztiei!!!!
Zoragarri Amets !!!.
Gustatzen bai zaizu Bizardunak , entzun mesedez ,..."Shane MacGowan's
Basque Paddys" ,...abestia, eta jarraitu disfrutatzen beraiekin.
Laister arte.
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