Lo dijo
Mallory cuando se le preguntó por su insistencia en ascender el Everest. La creo válida para cada uno de los proyectos y aspiraciones singulares, grupales...conocidas ó aún por descubrir, que son posibles por el empeño en llevarlas a cabo,...y también para aquellas personas, que se vuelven coherentes ante nuestros ojos,...normalmente pasado un tiempo . Las que aquí mostraré en forma de imágenes, son parte de mi historia personal .También añadiré algunos gustos y aficiones .


domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011

When all of this around us'll fall over.....

 ....I will shelter you !!!!. (Ray LaMontagne)

I guess you don't need it
I guess you don't want me to repeat it
But everything I have to give I'll give to you
It's not like we planned it
You tried to stay, but you could not stand it
To see me shut down slow
as though it was an easy thing to do
Listen when
All of this around us'll fall over
I tell you what we're gonna do
You will shelter me my love
And I will shelter you
I will shelter you
I left you heartbroken, but not until those very words were spoken
Has anybody ever made such a fool out of you
It's hard to believe it
Even as my eyes do see it
The very things that make you live are killing you
Listen when all of this around us'll fall over
I tell you what we're gonna do
You will shelter me my love
I will shelter you
Listen when
All of this around us'll fall over
I tell you what we're gonna do
Hey you will shelter me my love
I will shelter you
If you shelter me too
I will shelter you
I will shelter you

4 comentarios:

Goizalde dijo...

Unkigarria, benetan

Mallory dijo...

Aspaldiko !!!. Pozten naiz zure gustokoa izatea, Goizalde !!!!!!

Goizalde dijo...

Kanpoan egon naz eta deskonektatuta baina bueltatu naz eta saiatuko naz konektatzen

Mallory dijo...

Oso ondo ....!!!!!

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